A small selection from the thousands of online features about the negative impact spec work has on both the designer and the client.
Blog articles
boagworld.com: Why speculative design is wrong
boston.bizjournals.com: Working on spec is a disturbing — and growing — trend
creativepro.com: Spec work and crowdsourcing: gambles that don’t pay off
davidairey.com: If design was an iceberg
davidairey.com: Responding to spec work requests
idapostle.com: Logo warehouses, crowdsourcing, and a lack of understanding
itsnicethat.com: Does spec work have any place in the industry?
logodesignlove.com: The designer and the tech guy
logodesignlove.com: The kiddie designers of 99designs
markboulton.co.uk: The personal cost of designing on spec
openparenthesis.org: Crowdsourcing, incentive, and value
hangar.co: Pitch, please: cheap vs cheat
rachelandrew.co.uk: Spec work for web developers
sugarsock.com: The problem with spec work… again
teamtreehouse.com: To spec or not to spec?
underconsideration.com: Spec work arithmetic
underconsideration.com: To spec or not to spec?
webdesignerdepot.com: How not to design a logo
webdesignerdepot.com: The naked truth about design contests
winwithoutpitching.com: 16 brief points on free pitching
zeldman.com: Don’t design on spec
Is spec work evil? The online creative community – SXSWi 2009
AIGA Portland Roundtable — contests, wpec work
Also recommended
Ethics in Graphic Design, by Eileen MacAvery Kane
If you have questions, suggestions, or want to submit an article, please do send a message.