Thank you for supporting No!Spec. Your emails are greatly appreciated.
Carmen von Richthofen (RGD Ontario): “Your website initiative is an extremely valuable, unique service to the graphic design industry all over the world. It’s an easy-to-use information clearinghouse about the harmful effects of spec work, a unifying support network for designers and design organizations combatting spec work, and an emphatic and instructive third party authority to impress upon those offering spec work that they are being unethical and unprofessional. RGD Ontario congratulates and thanks the No!Spec team for their imaginative contribution to professionalism and business success in graphic design.”
Debbie Millman: “No!Spec is *brilliant.* So necessary. I will do whatever you want to help promote this. I am a rabid believer in the concept and tell my students, staff, potential clients, etc. whenever it comes up. And you know it always does.”
David Berman: “Congratulations on the vitality of your site: when designers focus on professional conduct, everyone benefits.”
Michael Surtees: Your No!Spec site is a big deal and you’ve done more for the profession than you can imagine.
Netdiver: We working in the design industry have long tales of such requests turned bad. Netdiver supports this initiative wholeheartedly!
Prepressology: I just want to express my gratitude to everyone that was and continues to be involved with this. Designers need to show their support and get involved. This affects all designers all over the world.
Pixelgirl Presents: A long time ago I was designing my own site to do the same thing this one does but I was too intimidated to start. I’m just super glad that it was done (and so very well!)
Jeffrey Zeldman: Linked. Good job.
If you have questions, suggestions, or thoughts, please contact us.