To help us get the word out, sign the NO!SPEC petition.
Update: 2014
The petition website is no longer operating. Thanks for your interest.
The NO!SPEC petition copy:
We, the undersigned, are against speculative work and presentations for the following reasons:
Spec work does not guarantee compensation for the designer or an appropriate solution for the client. It is an unprofessional practice because it takes away from a designer’s time and billable projects.
The very nature of spec work virtually ensures that clients will not get well-researched or executed solutions.
Spec work does not contribute to the overall image or branding of a client because it is often sought out for one-off pieces – it actually serves to dilute the brand, which can be extremely harmful to the client.
In addition, spec work devalues the communication design profession. It reduces communication design to a commodity, rather than to a specialized service.
If you have questions or suggestions, contact us.