Speaking Up

When spec encroaches, designers tend to speak up.

designmichaelsurtees.com: Michael Surtee’s “cattle call” for Canadian designers
designmichaelsurtees.com: Original letter to Lululemon Athletica.
ideasonideas.com: The value of Canadian design

creativelatitude.com: United Way and Speculative Work

beckleyworks.com: I Beg to Differ. Pixish is Work On Spec.
metafilter.com: Pixish Tantamount to Spec Work?

cambooth.net: An Open Letter to Guy Kawasaki on Spec Work
thelogofactory.com: I am not Guy’s book cover

siliconflorist.com: Portland Web and graphic design community to the City: Spec work?

fastcodesign.com: Gap Bows to Outcry, Nixes New Logo and Crowdsourcing
ianstormtaylor.com: Spec Work or Dialogue?
underconsideration.com: Follow-up: Gapgate

mcculleydesign.posterous.com: Spec (work) = asking the world to have sex…
aiga.org: What is AIGA’s response to the NEA’s call for logos?

positivespaceblog.com: 99Designs the Evil That Changed Names

nextny.squarespace.com: NYC’s Freelancers Union issues web design contest
freelancersunion.org: Design contest cancelled!

qbn.com: aquent site redesign-spec work
thedenveregotist.com: Aquent Snubs Every Decent Designer On The Planet
fazyluckers.com: Aquent fucked up – Spec work
markrushworth.com: Aquent Vs the Design Industry
Facebook: Aquent: Contest Cancelled

thekmiecs.com: The Hypocrisy Of Crispin Porter + Bogusky
fastcompany.com: Crispin Porter + Bogusky’s Crowdsourcing Experiment Backfires
ryanburrell.com: When A Twitter Feed Turns Bad

If you have anything to add to this selection, please contact us.