Logo Design Love: SpecWatch on Design Contests
Do you twitter? If you don’t have a twitter account, then you are missing out on the latest spec happening in the design industry. Logo Design Love: It’s interesting to see the recent appearance of Spec Watch, a venture that educates about the very real risks of design contest websites and their so-called ‘communities’. Spec…
Aquent, 99Designs and the Design Industry
Mark Rushworth just contacted us about a post he’s written, Aquent Vs the Design Industry. Seems Aquent thought it was a good idea to post a contest at 99Designs. Hmmm… How could a company such as Aquent (connected to the AIGA), be so out of touch with the design industry? If they didn’t want to…
Positive Space: 99Designs Stoops to a New Low
Tony of Positive Space has a decent conversation going in his post: 99Designs Stoops to a New Low and Attempts Propaganda. If you have been following Positive Space for a while, then you undoubtedly know that I have a problem with both spec work and 99designs (previously sitepoint contests). However most recently the minds behind…
99designs: Bullshit 2.0 | I’m a Proud Weenie! | Blowing Competitions Up, and Other Acts of Good Citizenship
Spec Conversation Roundup: graphicPUSH: 99designs: Bullshit 2.0 Kevin: “99designs was started by designers for designers”. I am struggling to form the intensely negative, logic-dismantling superlatives I need to accurately convey the sheer depth of absolute bullshit this clump of words was pulled from. This is one of the most hollow and forced statement I have…