• iStock + Logos = ?

    Worms, lawyers and style-whores iStock opens can of nasty worms | Logo Design Love: I’ve learned a lot during my years as a designer. One of those things is that a logo in isolation is like lipstick on a pig. It needs to be treated as part of an overall brand identity strategy, not picked…

  • Interviewing Debbie Millman: President of the National AIGA

    Dear Debbie Millman, For years, you’ve been an inspiring advocate of the design industry. I know you’ve certainly inspired me. Your opinions on ethics in the design industry jumped out at me when I first came across Speak Up. And I believe it was right about that time when I started listening to your Design…

  • AIGA & NO!SPEC: It’s all About Education

    The spec watch is finally over Back in February we had the Forbes Says Designers are Snooty fiasco. During it all, we received this good news: Debbie Millman has now been asked by AIGA to chair a task force in an effort to understand the various sentiments about this practice in both the design community…

  • Aquent, 99Designs and the Design Industry

    Mark Rushworth just contacted us about a post he’s written, Aquent Vs the Design Industry. Seems Aquent thought it was a good idea to post a contest at 99Designs. Hmmm… How could a company such as Aquent (connected to the AIGA), be so out of touch with the design industry? If they didn’t want to…