US Department of Interior is crowdsourcing their logo?
Here’s a petition found via Twitter that you might be interested in. @LogoMotives Petition: Stop the US Department of @Interior from Crowdsourcing a Logo | @nospec #nospec | http://bit.ly/NOSPEC-DOI “The U.S. Department of the Interior currently has posted a design brief on crowdspring.com (http://www.crowdspring.com/project/2296807_logo-us-department-of-the-interior/details/) asking for graphic designers to work for free in order to…
99designs: Bullshit 2.0 | I’m a Proud Weenie! | Blowing Competitions Up, and Other Acts of Good Citizenship
Spec Conversation Roundup: graphicPUSH: 99designs: Bullshit 2.0 Kevin: “99designs was started by designers for designers”. I am struggling to form the intensely negative, logic-dismantling superlatives I need to accurately convey the sheer depth of absolute bullshit this clump of words was pulled from. This is one of the most hollow and forced statement I have…
Newsletter Design Awards
We are always on the lookout for ethical design competitions and awards programs to share. This week, Roger C. Parker of Design to Sell contacted us about the Newsletter Design Awards at Newsletter on Newsletters. In the business for over 35 years, Newsletter on Newsletters has been cited as the “the quintessential newsletter for newsletter…