Tag: designers

  • Obama crowdsourcing to support American jobs?

    A tweet from Niki Bivona (@nikibivona) on Twitter says it all: “RT @nospec http://my.barackobama.com/page/s/artworks-submission Obama is now crowdsourcing a poster, about job creation. Irony.” Obama, if you aim to support American jobs, then perhaps paying designers to create your campaign posters would be a good start.

  • US Department of Interior is crowdsourcing their logo?

    Here’s a petition found via Twitter that you might be interested in. @LogoMotives Petition: Stop the US Department of @Interior from Crowdsourcing a Logo | @nospec #nospec | http://bit.ly/NOSPEC-DOI “The U.S. Department of the Interior currently has posted a design brief on crowdspring.com (http://www.crowdspring.com/project/2296807_logo-us-department-of-the-interior/details/) asking for graphic designers to work for free in order to…

  • Interview Request: Alternatives to Free Pitching

    Alternatives to Free Pitching Free pitching has long been an issue with designers. Some designers are for, some against, while others aren’t sure which way to jump. Do you? Below is a request for help from a writer compiling research for a paper on free pitching. I now turn you over to Sean Ashcroft… I…

  • iStock + Logos = ?

    Worms, lawyers and style-whores iStock opens can of nasty worms | Logo Design Love: I’ve learned a lot during my years as a designer. One of those things is that a logo in isolation is like lipstick on a pig. It needs to be treated as part of an overall brand identity strategy, not picked…

  • NO!SPEC Posters: Posters by Matt Clarke

    Check out the fun NO!SPEC posters from Matt Clarke of Design Intellect. Thanks Matt :-) Matt’s posters can be downloaded here. As before, check out posters by Jeremy Yamaguchi, Dagmar Jeffrey, Jerett Patterson, George Gruel, Chad Behnke, Jeff Andrews, Rob Gough and Von Glitschka. The NO!SPEC posters are 300 dpi, CMYK and/or spot color, PDF…

  • Logo Design Love: SpecWatch on Design Contests

    Do you twitter? If you don’t have a twitter account, then you are missing out on the latest spec happening in the design industry. Logo Design Love: It’s interesting to see the recent appearance of Spec Watch, a venture that educates about the very real risks of design contest websites and their so-called ‘communities’. Spec…

  • Forbes Says Designers are Snooty

    Two weeks ago, Christopher Steiner, a senior reporter with Forbes Magazine, sent me an email with FORBES MAGAZINE QUERY!!! in the subject line. After a back and forth with Christopher, interviews were set up with top designers in the industry. Busy designers, who agreed to take time out of their workload to talk via phone…

  • Aquent, 99Designs and the Design Industry

    Mark Rushworth just contacted us about a post he’s written, Aquent Vs the Design Industry. Seems Aquent thought it was a good idea to post a contest at 99Designs. Hmmm… How could a company such as Aquent (connected to the AIGA), be so out of touch with the design industry? If they didn’t want to…

  • NO!SPEC Posters: Poster by Jeremy Yamaguchi

    Finally, I give you Spectors Beware! by Jeremy Yamaguchi from Zero Designs. Thanks Jeremy! (and apologies for my tardiness…) Jeremy’s poster can be downloaded here. As before, check out posters by Dagmar Jeffrey, Jerett Patterson, George Gruel, Chad Behnke, Jeff Andrews, Rob Gough and Von Glitschka. The NO!SPEC posters are 300 dpi, CMYK and/or spot…

  • 420 Design Blog on Design Contests

    Design contests don’t bring the best of anything. From Angie: Just under a week ago I received an email from an employee from what I presume is Lord & Taylor’s PR firm telling me (albeit not personally as it was clearly a mass email) all about Lord & Taylor’s contest and that I might be…